Recipe // German Potato Salad

I remember back in the day, probably 10-15 years back – my mom used to make us this recipe all the time. It was so delicious and both my brother and I, were just crazy about potato salads.

We normally had this as a side-dish, but on some days we just wanted this salad ONLY, so we kept filling our bowls like 2-3 times.

Since I’ve left Germany in 2007, I really haven’t had that many potato salads. The few I had were very different from the German version that I know. SO therefore I’ll be sharing my favorite German potato salad from the German book: Die Lieblingsgerichte der Deutschen – which basically means: Germans favorite Dishes

1. Cook the whole and unpeeled potatoes in saltwater for about 25 minutes. Take them out of the water (carefully) and let them sit for a few minutes so they can cool.

2. Dice the onion, combine with vinegar and sugar in a big bowl, let it marinate.

3. Dice the thick bacon and cook it in a pan until brown and crunchy.

4. Peel the potatoes, and cut them in small bite sizes. Add the potatoes, bacon (incl. the grease), salt and pepper to the onion mixture. Combine everything and garnish with parsley.

That’s it! Super easy and it tastes so yummy. If you like to give it a little twist, add 1 tsp mustard to the onion mixture. I love mine with mustard. – great now I am hungry and its 12:33am here (Okinawa time). Guess I’ll be making me some potato salad tomorrow.

Hope you enjoyed this little recipe. Try it out, and let me know how you like the German potato salad.

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